YARS January 3, 2012 Meeting Present: Rob Brunk N6KIX, Max Butterfield KG6PIX, Bob Hewitt K6HEW, Allan Hollander KG6KDJ, Shayne Hughes N6SPE, Alison Kent KI6IMU, Vice-President Rick Littlefield N6KLB, Julia Lutch KG6OYS, President Gary Matteson WA6TQJ, Peter Millar KQ6ZL, Marion Millar K6MZ, Daniel Nelson KJ6LVS, Tom Nelson W6EO, Secretary Dave Nishikawa KC6YFG, Treasurer Ben Norman WA6NIK, and Robert Schulz KC6UDS. Meeting opened at 1930 hrs by President Gary Matteson WA6TQJ with self-introductions all around. Secretary Dave Nishikawa KC6YFG presented the December 2012 meeting minutes. A correction was made to the amount left over to YARS from the distribution of the donation from the Davis Bike Club after Robert Schulz KC6UDS reported that one of the repeater owners had donated their share back to YARS. Bob Hewitt K6HEW motioned to approve as amended, Robert Schulz KC6UDS seconded, and motion passed. Treasurer Ben Norman WA6NIK reported that the bank balance stood at $4859.89. Old business: Further antenna analyzer discussion was deferred. Gary Matteson WA6TQJ reported that an AA pack was purchased for $50.27. New business: Dave Nishikawa KC6YFG mentioned that he had paid the $150 yearly donation to Explorit in December. Reimbursement will be made later. Elections were held: Gary Matteson WA6TQJ was nominated for president by Robert Schulz KC6UDS and seconded by Rick Littlefield N6KLB, and elected by voice vote. Rick Littlefield N6KLB was nominated for vice-president by Gary Matteson WA6TQJ, seconded by Daniel Nelson KJ6LVS, and elected by voice vote. Dave Nishikawa KC6YFG was nominated for secretary by Rick Littlefield N6KLB, seconded by Robert Schulz KC6UDS, and elected by voice vote. Ben Norman WA6NIK was nominated for treasurer by Daniel Nelson KJ6LVS, seconded by Tom Nelson W6EO, and elected by voice vote. Program given by Daniel Nelson KJ6LVS on uninterruptible power supplies for amateur radio stations. Meeting adjourned approximately 2030 hrs.