YARS Monthly Meeting December 1, 2009 Attending Shayne Hughes N6SPE Dave Simmons W6OT Dave Nishikawa KC6YFG Robert Schulz KC6UDS Bill Ragsdale K6KN Rob Brunk N6KIX Rick Littlefield N6KLB Greg Kruckewitt KG6SJT Steve Dold W6KCS Gary Pratt KA6VBR Meeting opened by President Rick Littlefield N6KLB at 1930 hrs. Rick N6KLB welcomed everyone. Shayne N6SPE read back key points from the November minutes. No corrections or objections were offered. Old Business Greg KG6SJT reported on the Turkey Trot. There were over 3000 participants, and the event went well. UCD repeater was used. It was spotty coverage north of Covell Blvd. Robert KC6UDS updated us on the UCD repeater. It is back to using his temporary mobile repeater because the Motorola TRBO repeater was returned after failed attempts to make it operate as desired. The new frequency (145.450 - 203.5pl) seems to be working well. Rick N6KLB reported on the Lake Oroville Endurance Run. Nice weather, no major issues. May be last year as the organizer is not returning. New Business Dave KC6YFG mentioned that we will need to pay ExplorIt for the room. A motion was made and passed to pay the usual amount ($150) with an allowance for an increase if needed. Dave will follow up. Officer's Elections All current officers (Rick N6KLB President, Dave W6OT Vice President, Shayne N6SPE Secretary, Ben WA6NIK Treasurer) have agreed to serve again and been nominated. The official election will happen at the January 2010 meeting. Other members are encouraged to run for office. Business meeting closed at 1958 hrs., adjourned to program. Dave W6OT gave a show'n'tell on some ATV gear he has sitting around. He hopes to get some help gathering the parts for a demo next month. Bill K6KN showed the K5D Desecheo DXpedition video.